Friday, January 15, 2010

Can You Pass My Intro To Internet Final Exam?

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Since I received such positive feedback from the JavaScript final exam I posted a few days ago (, here is another purged final exam from 2001. This was for my CS 105 - Introduction to the Internet. This test was really fun to read over again as so many things have changed since 2001. However, feel free to give it a crack. If some of the technologies, etc. are outdated, remember - - - it is from 2001!

To view the answers, click here (NOTE: I included the short answer questions but do not have the answers in the key, it was easier to grade just by reading it instead of comparing it with the key.)

Multiple Choice – Circle the letter of the best choice below:

1.) The following would be the best site to get material without worrying about copyright infringement?
a.) .com
b.) .net
c.) .edu
d.) .gov

2.) Which of the following would be a plug-in?
a.) Internet Explorer
b.) Flash
c.) PowerPoint
d.) Napster

3.) The following tag is used to tell a search engine information for its database.
a.) <HTML>
b.) <HEAD>
c.) <META>
d.) <BODY>

4.) FTP client and ___________ are the two most common types of FTP.
a.) Command-Line Interface
b.) Named FTP
c.) HTTP
d.) None of the above

_________ is the top-level or root directory.
b.) cis
c.) 105
d.) myStuff.html

6.) ________ is a java applet that can be placed on any Web site and read by any java enabled browser but the discussion that occurs disappears once you leave that site.
a.) IRC
b.) Web-based chat room
c.) IM
d.) None of the above

7.) Which of the following tags does not require you to end the tag?
a.) <HTML>
b.) <HEAD>
c.) <IMG SRC>
d.) <p>

8.) FTP is an abbreviation for
a.) File Test Program
b.) File Transfer Protocol
c.) Format Transfer Protocol
d.) None of the above

9.) HTTP stands for
a.) Hypertext test program
b.) Hypertext Transfer program
c.) Hypertext Transfer Protocol
d.) None of the above

10.) ____________ houses messages that remain on the page after you leave. This is good for leaving questions for others and then coming back later to get an answer.
a.) Web-based chat rooms
b.) IRC
c.) IM
d.) None of the above

11.) _______ are controls that install within your Internet Explorer browser and should be avoided because they can have viruses or inactivate controls of the browser by overwriting Microsoft’s original controls.
a.) Zipped files
b.) .txt files
c.) ActiveX
d.) All of the above

12.) _________ are compressed files that store up to 256 different colors.
a.) GIFs
b.) JPEGs
c.) PNGs
d.) None of the above

13.) A(n) ________ is the last three characters following a period in the filename
a.) extension
b.) domain
c.) pathname
d.) directory

14.) would most likely be opened with which software package?
a.) Internet Explorer
b.) Outlook Express
c.) WinZip
d.) WinZippster

15.) Software that is available to anyone at no cost and without any restrictions attached to its user is called
a.) limited edition
b.) freeware
c.) shareware
d.) All of the above

16.) would be described as a _______path.
a.) Virtual
b.) Physical
c.) Direct
d.) All of the above

17.) ________ is a compressed music file that has been brought into the public spotlight when Napster was released.
a.) MP3
b.) MIDI
c.) Streaming Media
d.) WAV

18.) MPEG and AVI are examples of ______ files.
a.) Video
b.) Audio
c.) Text
d.) HTML

19.) Digest messages mean:
a.) You receive an e-mail each time someone posts
b.) You receive important messages only from a usenet group
c.) You receive a predetermined number of messages from a mailing list usually daily
d.) You receive a message from a mailing list with messages marked ADV in the subject line

20.) <META> Tags go within what tag(s)?
a.) Head
b.) Body
c.) HTML
d.) Both A & C

True/False – Circle the letter of the correct answer below:

21.) Port 221 is the default port number of an FTP client.
a.) T b.) F

22.) Any program downloaded from the Internet can possibly have a virus.
a.) T b.) F

23.) An <a href> tag tells the Web browser that a link is coming.
a.) T b.) F

24.) All HTML tags need to be turned on and turned off.
a.) T b.) F

25.) ../../myStuff/index.html is known as a physical path.
a.) T b.) F

26.) Where you place a file via FTP plays an important role to the eventual URL.
a.) T b.) F

27.) A Web page viewed with Internet Explorer will always look the same as a page viewed with Netscape Navigator.
a.) T b.) F

28.) Binary and ASCII are the two choices on an FTP client.
a.) T b.) F

29.) SSL will always be present with any transaction involving money on the Internet.
a.) T b.) F

30.) A Web site’s level of encryption isn’t as important as the presence of encryption.
a.) T b.) F

Matching – (10 questions) – Fill in the proper letter on the left-hand margin.

a.) FTP client
b.) Copyright
c.) Full-Privilege FTP
d.) Web based chat
e.) Message board
f.) IM
g.) Plug-in
h.) Web browser
i.) Groups.Yahoo
j.) Mailing list

31.) ________ is given to nearly every Web site on the Internet regardless of whether it is spelled out for the users.

32.) ________ An applet that allows interaction between people in “real” time.

33.) ________ examples are QuickTime, Flash, and Shockwave.

34.) ________ Allows you to read Web sites and download files from a web server.

35.) ________ is an online group which meets via a Web browser.

36.) ________ is when you are given a username and password allowing you to view sections of a server determined by the system administrator.

37.) ________ is a downloaded software client that allows the user to talk only with people on that network.

38.) ________ sends out multiple copies to itself to opt-in subscribers.

39.) ________ is an area on a Web site where you can pose a question for someone else that will not be deleted once you leave that site.

40.) ________ is a program that is used exclusively for uploading and downloading files to a server.

Short Answer – Use the back if necessary:

41.) Explain in detail what is considered bad Web design?

42.) Write the HTML to a Web page that will place the name of this course in bold letters at the top of the page, and your name underneath in plain text (include everything from on).

43.) Explain the difference between IM, IRC, Web-based chat, and Message Boards

44.) Name five uses for the Internet and how you would go about finding these.

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