Monday, March 15, 2010

View HTML Source in Word 2007

In Word 2000, I could go into view and select HTML source and then go and delete some of the HTML tags. I don't see the HTML Source in 2007. Do you know where it is or do I need to go into notepad to do it?

I got that from a user over the weekend. Microsoft took out the ability to view the HTML source from its 2007 series of Office products. It is annoying as can be for developers who have to use Word as one of the means of creating online pages. Now, if you create a document in 2007, you save it as Web Page, filtered and then have to go into TextPad or NotePad and adjust the markup.

You can adjuster Word 2007 so that it will give you an option to view HTML source when the document is opened.

- Click on the Office logo (upper-left-hand corner).

- Choose 'Word Options'.

- Choose the 'Advanced' tab on the left.

- Scroll down to the 'General' section and choose 'Confirm file format conversion on open'.

- Then, when you open a HTML file, it will ask you what format you would like to open it.  If you choose, 'Plain Text' it will show you the HTML code.

Unlike 2000's version, you won't be able to check the source on an active document.  You will need to close it so that you will be given the option on open for 'Plain Text'.

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