Monday, December 7, 2009

6 Things Facebook Could Do To Make User's Experience Better

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I am kind of a Facebook fanatic and make it a point to try to embrace every user-interface change they make.  Some I agree with, others - not so much.  Either way, here are six functions that can be added to Facebook to make the user experience better.  Are you listening Facebook?

1.) An edit button.  There have been many times that I have made a status update or a wall post and found that I misspelled something or typed something that sounded right in my head but didn't come out right in text.  My only choice?  Delete and start all over again.  This is especially frustrating when it is a long post.  An edit button would be a perfect fit that would allow me to go ahead and correct what I typed without having to start all over.

2.) The infamous dislike button.  Everyone under the sun has been asking for this and I think that Facebook is purposely avoiding it just out of spite.  There were rumors that it is going to be in the next UI upgrade coming down the pipe but until I see it, I don't believe it.

3.) A rich text editor.  These are all over the Web and if there is one place that it would be nice is when making wall posts, etc.   Wouldn't the ability to change the font size and color, be able to bold, italicize, underline, strike, and change the size enhance the user's experience?

4.) Let the user pick their content on the right bar.  It would be real nice to move the sections around on the right bar (off the live/news feed) like you can the applications on the left.  Especially being able to switch Facebook's suggestions (which 9 out of 10 times completely worthless) and the 'Events' area (which is one of the few reminders I have to remember birthdays).  I realize that the ads are one of the few ways that Facebook makes money and they can stay where they are, just give us the ability to decide on content around them.

5.) Make friend requests separate from other requests.  Since there are so many different requests that can be made now (especially with all of the Facebook games and quizzes out there), it would be nice to make friend requests separate.  This way, if we can get #4 in place, we can move all the other BS requests to the bottom and leave friend requests at the top.

6.) Make photo albums transferable.  My wife and I share a camera but we do not share friends.  She uploads our pictures, then I upload the same pictures.  It seems like a waste of storage space for Facebook and a pain for both of us.  I realize she can upload then tag me but what a waste of time, especially if there are a lot of images.  And, it is even stranger tagging me when I am not in the pictures.  A simple function that allows the user to put in names of friends that can also access the album as if it was uploaded to their profile would solve the problem.

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