Friday, December 4, 2009

Bejeweled Blitz: Strategy or Luck?

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I can honestly say that I have had it.  I have read every blog and strategy guide I can find through my vast, in-depth, resources (Google) for Bejeweled Blitz.  In the end, I still suck.  I pride myself on being somewhat of a gamer - more retrogaming than anything but not one to bow in defeat to a video game.  When I wrote the Farkle strategy guide (, I did it with the core concept that I am pretty good at Farkle and have something that I can share that may be useful to others.  It remains my most read blog post.  I thought I would really try to get the concept of Bejeweled Blitz down and possibly even be able to share my wisdom (or lack thereof) to my loyal (yet scarce) readers.  I tried every strategy I can think of and every one I had read.  I tried to concentrate on getting five in a row.  I tried to work to get multiple power gems.  I worked to get multipliers.  I tried to do nothing but go for speed.  Nothing worked.  My high score: 70,000. 

 I threw in the towel.  I called the game bull shit and decided that it wasn't for any true gamer.  It had to be luck and anyone thinking otherwise was kidding themselves.  One game I would get 6,000 and another I would get 60,000.  That can't be coincidence when using the same strategy.  My mind was made up.  The whole game was luck.

 Then I noticed a pattern from week-to-week, the same people were the one's getting these astronomical scores.  225,000; 175,000; 115,000.  It was consistent.  So someone has a strategy that works.  Why can I not figure it out?  

 Is it luck?  Is it that the people with the unbelievably high scores are doing nothing with their time but playing Bejeweled Blitz and by sheer random luck, someone has to get those kinds of high scores?  Does it require a certain skill set - hand-eye coordination or a mind shaped for such a game?  Or, is there a strategy that I just don't know or understand? 

 Any thoughts, etc. please feel free to leave in the comments section or Tweet me.  I am dumbfounded and will continue to persevere and figure this game out.

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